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Yuhuangding Formation

Yuhuangding Fm


Age Interval: 
Early Eocene (17d)


Type Locality and Naming

The naming section is located from Yuhuangding, Danjiang City (Junxian County), Hubei, to Dacangfang, Xichuan, Henan, and the reference section is located in the area from Nüyangquan to Zhanggou, Danjiang City, Hubei. Named by the Petroleum Party of the Henan Bureau of Geology in 1959.

Lithology and Thickness

Lower part is grayish or light red marlstone and grayish yellow or light gray sandy mudstone and mudstone, with purplish red mudstone, containing calcareous concretions. Upper part is gray or grayish white marlstone with sandy mudstone and mudstone. The lithofacies varies greatly from east to west. In the east marlstone predominates; it thins toward both sides and is replaced gradually by sandy mudstone and sandstone. The thickness is up to 330–700 m. similar horizons are found in wells in the Nanyang basin.

Lithology Pattern: 
Continental marl

Relationships and Distribution

Lower contact

The formation has a disconformable contact with the underlying Upper Cretaceous Hugang Fm. However, in this same region of Hubei border to SE Henan, there is also the uppermost Cretaceous Sigou Fm.

Upper contact

The formation has a conformable contact with the overlying Early to Middle Eocene Dacangfang Fm.

Regional extent

The formation is mainly distributed at Wenjiaping, Dahupo, Yuhuangding and Jiajiazhai in the eastern part of the Liguanqiao basin (or Xichuan basin) and at Huangying, Songping, Da’ao and Qingtangling in the western part.




In addition to birds (Zhongyuanus xichuanensis), the Yuhuangding fauna also contains mammals, gastropods and ostracods. The mammals are Rhombomylus sp., Advenimus hupeiensis, Asiocoryphodon conicus, Heterocoryphodon flerowi (=Coryphodon flerowi, =Manteodon flerowi) and Heptodon sp. According to Li Yuntong (1983), there are at least 7 genera and 13 species, mainly including Bithynia magna, B. lordostoma, Australorbis junxianensis, Aplexa xichuanensis, Palaeoluca orientalis and Pupoides (Ischnopupoides) antiquus. The ostracods are mainly Cypris henanensis in addition to Eucypris subtriangulata.


Based on the mammal fauna, this formation may correlate with the related horizons of the Yprisian or Cuisian of Europe and the Wasatchian of North America. Wang, Y.Q. et al. (2019; Paleogene integrated stratigraphy and timescale of China) show it as spanning the lower half of Ypresian; but with the underlying Baiying Fm spanning the Thanetian (combined with Yuhuangding Fm in this Lexicon – see Additional Information).

Age Span: 

    Beginning stage: 

    Fraction up in beginning stage: 

    Beginning date (Ma): 

    Ending stage: 

    Fraction up in the ending stage: 

    Ending date (Ma):  

Depositional setting

It is interpreted to lacustrine deposits.

Depositional pattern:  

Additional Information


Age Span:

Beginning stage: Thanetian

Fraction up in beginning stage: 0.0

Beginning date (Ma):

Ending stage: Ypresian

Fraction up in ending stage: 0.5

Ending date (Ma):

Depositional setting:

It is interpreted to lacustrine deposits.


Additional Information

Because the lithology of the Paleocene Baiying Formation is relatively similar to that of the Yuhuangding Fm and no fossil with an exact age has been found, the Baiying Fm is now temporarily assigned to the Yuhuangding Fm. As to the upper member of the Yuhuangding Formation defined by Ma Ancheng et al., as its lithology and its contained Zhanggou Fauna are more similar to those of the Dacangfang Fm, from an analysis of relevant fossil forms, now it seems that this member might be assigned to the Dacangfang Fm although their ages are slightly different.


Tao Deng, Yuanqing Wang, Qian Li, et al.